How to link Youtube Adsense With Bank Account and Get Paid in Tamil
In this video i will show you that How to link Youtube Adsense With Bank Account and Get Paid.You can simply receive payment from adsense through your bank account.First go to payment section and click management setting.Then just fill following Account holder name Not applicable Jane Smith Bank name Not applicable Acme Bank & Trust IFSC (Indian Financial System Code) 11 letters and numbers ABAB0001101 SWIFT BIC The SWIFT BIC code is 8 or 11 characters: -4 letter bank code -2 letter country code -2 letter location code -3 letter branch code (optional) XXXXYYZZ Account number Twelve to seventeen digits 1234567891234567 Re-type account number Twelve to seventeen digits 1234567891234567 Now you finish and click save.Google adsense transfer your payment to your bank details. Swift code finder : http://...